Bishal's Story

If you read Heather’s story a few weeks ago, she shared her story about Bishal. Bishal is such a special part of the Boys Dream Home, we want to tell you more about him.

Bishal Barick moved into the Boys Dream Home in 2018, before construction was complete. He was in the first class of 17 boys to move in. He’s 19 now and studying in what is equivalent to 10th grade in the United States.

Bishal was born with an illness that makes his left side weaker than his right. Right away, his birth mother saw that he had some special needs. We believe that she was probably not married and when she realized he was ill, she decided to abandon her baby in the hospital.

Miles away in the Salt Lake slum, Moharani Barick was living with a husband that was subjecting her to horrible domestic abuse because of her inability to have a son. When she learned of a motherless male child in the hospital, she decided to adopt him. This special boy with special needs brought so much joy into Moharani’s home. Bishal grew up believing this was his mother and father until neighbors in the slum started to tell him the truth or when his father would get drunk and tell him. Bishal also endured a lot of bullying because of his physical limitations. Kids would make fun of him and it made his life torturous. He started to act out and show his pain through poor decisions and actions.

Moharani approached SEED for help to take him out of the slum, to provide a new opportunity without all of these tortures. Bishal spent some time in a boarding school in Kolkata, from what would be 4th grade to 7th grade, but his life there was still difficult. Kids were cruel and would treat him poorly because of his differences. But, in 2018 when the Boys Home opened for the first time, he found freedom from the bullying and the domestic issues of his home.

He’s gained strength physically, mentally and spiritually. He is thriving in this home and we are so pumped to be beside him as he enters into the next parts of his life. He’s special to us and if you meet him, you do not forget him.